267 The king said that he had given a good answer, and asked another How he could live amicably with the many different races who formed the population of his kingdom? ‘By acting the proper part towards each,’ he replied, ‘and taking righteousness as your guide, as you are now doing with the help of the insight which God bestows upon you.’

268 The king was delighted by this reply, and asked another ‘Under what circumstances ought a man to suffer grief?’ ‘In the misfortunes that befall our friends,’ he replied, when we see that they are protracted and irremediable. Reason does not allow us to grieve for those who are dead and set free from evil, but all men do grieve over them because they think only of themselves and their own advantage. It is by the power of God alone that we can escape all evil.’

269 The king said that he had given a fitting answer, and asked another, How is reputation lost? And he replied, When pride and unbounded self-confidence hold sway, dishonour and loss of reputation are engendered. For God is the Lord of all reputation and bestows it where He will.’

270 The king gave his confirmation to the answer, and asked the next man, To whom ought men to entrust themselves? ‘To those,’ he replied, who serve you from goodwill and not from fear or self-interest, thinking only of their own gain. For the one is the sign of love, the other the mark of ill-will and time-serving. For the man who is always watching, for his own gain is a traitor at heart. But you possess the affection of all your subjects by the help of the good counsel which God bestows upon you.’

271 The king said that he had answered wisely, and asked another, What is it that keeps a kingdom safe? And he replied to the question, ‘Care and forethought that no evil may be wrought by those who are placed in a position of authority over the people, and this you always do by the help of God who inspires you with grave judgement ‘.