Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, Let them at least learn what is the religion they attack November 7, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, After having understood the whole nature of man November 7, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, If you die without worshipping the True Cause, you are lost November 7, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, We know life and death only through Jesus Christ November 6, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, What man ever had more renown than the Christ? November 6, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, The Effect and Sign of the Coming of the Christ November 6, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, Is it incredible that God should unite Himself to us? November 5, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, The littleness of our being conceals from us the sight of the Infinite November 5, 2017
Christianity, Pascal, Studies Pascal, How hollow and full of ribaldry is the heart of man! November 5, 2017