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Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel

CHAPTER 1 Introduction concerning the Compilers of the Books of the Old Testament

CHAPTER 2 Of the Prophetic Language

CHAPTER 3. Of the vision of the Image composed of four Metals

CHAPTER 4. Of the vision of the four Beasts

CHAPTER 5. Of the Kingdoms represented by the feet of the Image composed of iron and clay

CHAPTER 6. Of the ten Kingdoms represented by the ten horns of the fourth Beast

CHAPTER 7. Of the eleventh horn of Daniel’s fourth Beast

CHAPTER 8. Of the power of the eleventh horn of Daniel’s fourth Beast, to change times and laws

CHAPTER 9. Of the Kingdoms represented in Daniel by the Ram and He- Goat

CHAPTER 10. Of the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks

CHAPTER 11. Of the Times of the Birth and Passion of Christ

CHAPTER 12. Of the Prophecy of the Scripture of Truth

CHAPTER 13. Of the King who did according to his will, and magnified himself above every God, and honoured Mahuzzims, and regarded not the desire of women

CHAPTER 14. Of the Mahuzzims, honoured by the King who doth according to his will


Observations upon the Apocalypse of St. John

CHAPTER 1. Introduction, concerning the time when the Apocalypse was written

CHAPTER 2. Of the relation which the Apocalypse of John hath to the Book of the Law of Moses, and to the worship of God in the Temple

CHAPTER 3. Of the relation which the Prophecy of John hath to those of Daniel; and of the Subject of the Prophecy

Cf. Newton’s Observations at Amazon



WHEN Manasses set up a carved image in the house of the Lord, (2 Chronicles 33:5, 6, 7) and built altars in the two courts of the house, to all the host of Heaven, and used enchantments and witchcraft, and familiar spirits, and for his great wickedness was invaded by the army of Asserhadon King of Assyria, and carried captive to Babylon; the book of the Law was lost till the eighteenth year of his grandson Josiah. Then Hilkiah (2 Chronicles 34) the High Priest, upon repairing the Temple, found it there: and the King lamented that their fathers had not done after the words of the book, and commanded that it should be read to the people, and caused the people to renew the holy covenant with God. This is the book of the Law now extant.