Hearing of the slaughter of some whom Pilate had slain, he admonished of eternal death, Luke 13:1. To his fishermen he spake of fishers of men, Matthew 4:10; and composed another parable about fishes, Matthew 13:47. Being by the Temple, he spake of the Temple of his body, John 2:19. At supper he spake a parable about the mystical supper to come in the kingdom of heaven, Luke 14: On occasion of temporal food, he admonished his disciples of spiritual food, and of eating his flesh and drinking his blood mystically, John 6:27, 53. When his disciples wanted bread, he bade them beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, Matthew 16:6. Being desired to eat, he answered that he had other meat, John 4:31. In the great day of the feast of Tabernacles, when the Jews, as their custom was, brought a great quantity of waters from the river Shiloah into the Temple, Christ stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst let him come unto me and drink. He that believeth in me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water, John 7:37. The next day, in allusion to the servants who by reason of the sabbatical year were newly set free, he said, If ye continue in my word, the truth shall make you free. Which the Jews understanding literally with respect to the present manumission of servants, answered, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, ye shall be made free? John 8:They assert their freedom by a double argument: first, because they were the seed of Abraham, and therefore newly made free, had they ever been in bondage; and then, because they never were in bondage. In the last Passover, when Herod led his army through Judea against Aretas King of Arabia, because Aretas was aggressor and the stronger in military forces, as appeared by the event; Christ alluding to that state of things, composed the parable of a weaker King leading his army against a stronger who made war upon him, Luke 14:31. And I doubt not but divers other parables were formed upon other occasions, the history of which we have not.