The key evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is (1)the disciples’ experiences, which they believed to be literal appearances of the risen Jesus, since these experiences cannot be explained by naturalistic theories (as just shown) and because they are

65 For details, see, in particular, Gary R. Habermas, The Resurrection of Jesus: A Rational Inquiry(Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1976), pp. 114–171; Orr, The Resurrection of Jesus, chapters VIII and IX in particular.

66 Numerous excellent critiques of Hume and more recent updates have appeared, exposing the invalidity of such attempts. For example, see C.S. Lewis, Miracles(New York: Macmillan, 1961); Richard Swinburne, The Concept of Miracle; Werner Schaaffs, Theology, Physics and Miracles, transl. by Richard L. Renfield (Washington, DC: Canon Press, 1974); Gary R. Habermas, “Skepticism: Hume” in Norman L. Geisler, ed., Biblical Errancy: An Analysis of its Philosophical Roots(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981).

67 For details, including a listing of primary sources from these nineteenth century rejections of each other’s views, see Habermas, The Resurrection of Jesus: A Rational Inquiry, pp. 286–293.

68 For examples, see Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, vol. 4, part 1, p. 340; Raymond E. Brown, “The Resurrection and Biblical Criticism,” especially p. 233; Pannenberg, Jesus, pp. 88–97; Wilckens, Resurrection, pp. 117–119; Günther Bornkamm, Jesus of Nazareth, pp. 181–185.

attested as both early and eyewitness sources, as pointed out above. Other positive evidences include (2)the transformation of the disciples into bold witnesses, (3)the empty tomband (4)the fact that the resurrection of Jesus was the very center of the apostolic message, all of which require adequate explanations. It was also found that the disciples proclaimed this message in Jerusalem itself, where it is related that in repeated confrontations with the authorities, (5)the Jewish leaders could not disprove their message(Acts 1–5). Additionally, (6)the very existence and growth of the church, (7)featuring Sundayas the primary day of worship demand historical causes, as well.