Oscar Wilde (best) quotes
W. Churchill, Islam paralyses social development
Ken Robinson quotes on education and achievement
Christianity, Church of Greece, Orthodox Christianity
Alexander Schmemann, The basic defect of modern Orthodox theology
Christianity, Orthodox Christianity
Fr Zacharias, We must see the goodness of God in the coronavirus pandemic
L. Rouanet, Europeans need to escape the arbitrary restrictions of their governments
The Two Popes as extremely dangerous propaganda
Europe - West, Islam, Politics
Europe is in the process of committing suicide
Art, Christianity, Greek art, Greek Culture, Orthodox Christianity
Icons of the Christ
H.-H. Hoppe, Progress needs freedom and creativity
Greek Culture, Greek Language, Greek Library
Greek New Testament manuscript, British Library
A. Bernstein, The bitter truth about the American educational establishment
Greek architecture, Greek history
Athens Acropolis in 1908
Owl of Picasso
Differences between the Septuagint and the MT versions of Jeremiah
Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon (Lyrics)
Dorothy Sayers, The sole true end of education
Education, Europe - West, Politics
Listening to Thomas Sowell
Elvis, Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix and Lennon, if they had lived more
Europe - West, Greek Culture, Greek history, Politics
F. Hayek, Roots of modern liberty in ancient Greece
Europe - West, Islam, Politics
Vaclav Smil, Europe may end as just the museum of the world
Chopin bursting through the fetters of the eighteenth-century fortepiano
J. Schumpeter, Scholastic Universalism as opposed to Individualism
J. Schumpeter, Feudalism and Scholasticism
C. Martinkus, On the variation practice in Schubert sonatas
Education, Europe - West, Philosophy
The reality of the tenses
Consequences of language ability for religious and spiritual development
A self-emptying God as explanation for the creation and evolution of the universe
Incarnation in the age of evolutionary science
Theological aspects of modern geometry
Some theological issues raised by genetics
Christianity, Greek history, Greek Library, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Meaning of Genesis 1: 1-2 in its Hebrew and Greek (Septuagint) form
What is the meaning of Beauty?
Steven Pinker, The European Homicide Decline
Modern literature, Pasternak, Politics