Author: Ellopos Blog
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Ibsen, Joyce, Modern literature
James Joyce on Henrik Ibsen: Fortnightly Review April 1, 1900
The myth that Ibsen is only interested in domestic drama
Henri Cartier-Bresson in Greece
Was the British Industrial Revolution a cause of misery?
Image of the New Jerusalem
Europe - West, Modern literature
E. O. Smith, Edgar Allan Poe
The longer a child has been with same-sex parents, the greater the harm
Christianity, Europe - West, Islam, Politics
The top 21 countries persecuting all Christians
Why we must invest in the humanities
Greek architecture, Greek art, Greek Culture, Greek Religion
Temple of Hephaestus photo
W. Ong, The interiority and centering action of sound
Christianity, Greek art, Orthodox Christianity
Byzantine Eagle catching a snake
Christianity, Greek Language, Greek Library, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Texts witnessed only in the Septuagint
Christianity, Church of Greece, Greek Language, Greek Library, Orthodox Christianity
Texts witnessed only in the Septuagint: 1 Esdras, Psalm 151, Prayer of Manasseh
Christianity, Church of Greece, Greek Language, Greek Library, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Additional texts witnessed by the Septuagint to the book of Daniel
Christianity, Church of Greece, Greek Language, Greek Library, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Texts witnessed only in the Septuagint: Maccabees 1, 2, 3 and 4
Christianity, Church of Greece, Greek Language, Greek Library, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Texts witnessed only in the Septuagint: Sirach, Wisdom, Letter of Jeremiah
Christianity, Church of Greece, Greek Language, Greek Library, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Letter of Aristeas (Full Text in Greek and English)
Christianity, Church of Greece, Greek Library, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Texts witnessed only in the Septuagint: Judith, Baruch
Christianity, Church of Greece, Greek Culture, Greek history, Greek Religion, Orthodox Christianity
Photo of St Dionysios Monastery, Holy Mount Athos
Europe - West, Greek Culture, Greek history, Politics
Alex Pardalis, Ancient Greece as a precursor of modern liberalism
Education, Europe - West, Greek Culture, News, Politics
Em. Macron, A Speech for Europe, Athens 2017 (full text in English, and video)
Alessandro Cesaro: Authenticity in music, some reflections
The Vulgate is not the official Bible of the Catholic Church
Europe - West, Islam, Politics
Coudenhove-Kalergi and A. Briand on Turkey and the European Integration
Europe - West, Islam, Politics
What is the meaning of the European flag?
Christianity, Europe - West, Politics
Religious connotations in the flag of the European Union?
Philo, Concerning the World (Appendix 1)
Philo, Hypothetica: Apology for the Jews
Christianity, Greek Library, Philo
Philo On Line Resources
Philo, Fragments
Philo, On Fugitives
Philo, On the Giants
Christianity, Greek Library, Philo