The servants of virtuous men submit to voluntary obedience to God, for they are not servants to human caprices, but to wise men; and he who is the servant of wisdom may justly be said to be also the servant of God.
About just men.
The words of Philo.
An irreconcileable and endless war is carried on by the atheists against the godly, so that they threaten them even with slavery.
About justice.
The words of Philo.
Justice, above all things, conduces to the safety both of mankind and of the parts of the world, earth and heaven.
About the judgments of God.
From the same author.
It is good to begin every day with divine and holy employments, and after that to proceed to the necessary duties of life. On this account God has commanded Us{7}{#de 6:7.} to take care to obey his commandments, and especially at the first moment of the dawn, as soon as we are risen, to pay our adoration to Him, that their offerings to God may precede every human occupation, having the recollection of God for their prompter and leader.
From the same author.
Every soul which piety fertilises with its own mysteries is necessarily awake for all holy services, and eager for the contemplation of those things which are worth being seen, for this is the feeling of the soul at the great festival, and this is the true season of joy.
About the difference between God and man.
The words of Philo.
The things of creation are far removed from the uncreated God, even though they are brought into close proximity following the attractive mercies of the Saviour.
About bold and brave men.
The words of Philo, from his treatise about the Giants.
It is a sign of courage not to be easily alarmed by the terrors of death, and to be full of cheerful confidence in dangers, and to be of valiant hardiness amid disasters, and to prefer dying with honour to being saved disgracefully, and to wish to be the cause of victory; and a happy boldness, and a cheerfulness of soul, and fortitude, are the attendants on a manly spirit.
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