If you take away their resources of wealth from politicians, you will find nothing left but empty arrogance devoid of sense, for as long as there is an abundant supply of external good things, wisdom and presence of mind appear also to attend them, but when that plenty is taken away all appearance of wisdom is taken away at the same time.
About the best men.
From the same author, in his Treatise on Drunkenness.
Good men, to speak somewhat metaphorically, are of more value than whole nations, since they support cities and constitutions as buttresses support large houses.
From the same author.
If it depended on wicked men, no city would ever enjoy tranquillity; but states continue free from seditious troubles on account of the righteousness of one or two men who live in them, whose virtue is a remedy for the diseases of war, because God, who loves mankind, grants this effect as a reward to those who are virtuous and honourable, so that they should not only benefit themselves, but all who are near them.
From the same author.
There is no place upon earth more sacred than the mind of a wise man, while all the virtues hover around like so many stars.
About things which are uncertain and unknown to us.
The words of Philo.
The comprehension of the future does not belong to the nature of man.
From the same author.
All things are not known to the mortal race.
From the same author.
God alone is acquainted with the ultimate results of things.
About evil report.
Quiet, which is free from danger, is better than words, the object of which is only to give pleasure.
About self-satisfied people, etc.
The words of Philo.
The lawgiver says, “You shall not do all the things which we will do here this day, {4}{deuteronomy 12:28.} every one doing that which is pleasant in his own sight,” by which words he declares as loudly as possible that there is no evil which may not be produced by selfishness and self-sufficiency, which must be eradicated from the mind as unholy feelings. Let no one embrace that which is pleasing to himself rather than that which is agreeable to nature, for the one is found to be the cause of mischief and the other the cause of benefit.
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