— We cannot keep inner peace if our conscience reproaches us for something. First of all we must make peace with our conscience.
— Repentance means changing our lives, abandoning the old man with all his evil habits and turning to God and the truth, so that we can be peaceful, still, good and meek.
— If your parents are atheists and you are a believer, do not reproach or taunt them with your faith but pray for them and be good to them.
— We must help people to know their faith.
— We must not preach from our heads but from our hearts. Only what is said from the heart can reach another heart.
— It is dangerous to be strict with others.
— Those who are strict with others can only reach a certain level in spiritual life. They remain at the stage of physical asceticism.
— As is our relationship to our neighbor, so is our relationship to God.
— Our neighbor is he who seeks our help.
— As long as we pay attention to the negative sides of those we meet, we will not find peace or quiet.
— The fear of God is not the instinctive animal fear of this world. That is a hellish quality. We live in a constant state of fear: what will happen tomorrow, in the future? The fear of God is similar to that when you love someone from your heart and you are careful not to offend him or annoy him with your whole being, not only through your actions, but through your thoughts too.
— There is not a single being who is perfect. We can only be perfect with God; without Him it is impossible.
— A family which is pleasing to God must be filled with love, nobility, meekness, humility, piety and prayerfulness.
— When a child is born he cries because he does not know what sins await him. But when someone dies, he is happy because he enters into eternal life. Then everyone around him cries because they have to stay here.