The Greek translator states in his preface that he was the grandson of the author, and that he came to Egypt in the thirty-eighth year of the reign of “Euergetes”. This epithet was borne by only two of the Ptolemies. Of these, Ptolemy III Euergetes reigned only twenty-five years (247–222 BCE) and thus Ptolemy VIII Euergetes must be intended; he ascended the throne in the year 170 BCE, together with his brother Ptolemy VI Philometor, but he soon became sole ruler of Cyrene, and from 146 to 117 BCE held sway over all Egypt. He dated his reign from the year in which he received the crown (i.e., from 170 BCE). The translator must therefore have gone to Egypt in 132 BCE.
The translation into Greek is believed to have been done after 117 BCE
The “Book of ben Sirach” (ספר בן סירא, Sefer ben Siraʼ) was originally written in Hebrew, and was also known in Hebrew as the “Proverbs of ben Sirach” (משלי בן סירא, Mišley ben Siraʼ) or the “Wisdom of ben Sirach” (חכמת בן סירא, Ḥokhmat ben Siraʼ). The book was not accepted into the Hebrew Bible and the original Hebrew text was not preserved in the Jewish canon. However, various original Hebrew versions have since been recovered, including fragments recovered within the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Cairo Genizah, the latter of which includes fragments from six separate manuscripts.
The Greek translation was accepted in the Septuagint under the (abbreviated) name of the author: Sirakh (Σιραχ). Some Greek manuscripts give as the title the “Wisdom of Iēsous Son of Sirakh” or in short the “Wisdom of Sirakh”. The older Latin versions were based on the Septuagint, and simply transliterated the Greek title in Latin letters: Sirach. In the Vulgate the book is called Liber Iesu filii Sirach (“Book of Joshua Son of Sirach”).