“For e’en the name of freedom is a jewel

Of mighty value; and the man who has it

E’en in a small degree, has noble wealth;”

I myself saw all the spectators standing on tip-toe with excitement and delight, and with loud outcries and continual shouts combining their praise of the sentiments, and with praise also of the poet, as having not only honoured freedom by his actions, but having extolled its very name. (142) I also admire the Argonauts, who made the whole crew of their vessel to consist of the freemen, not allowing a single slave to embark even for the purpose of performing the most indispensable services, but at that period they chose to do everything for themselves, looking upon independent action as the brother of freedom; (143) and if it may be allowed me at all to attend to what is said by the poets (and why should we not do so, for they are the instructors of the lives of all mankind, and just as individual parents are the instructors of their children, so too do they become so to the whole body of a city, correcting the entire population?), then I say that the Argo herself, when Jason was her captain, as if she were at that time endowed with a soul and with reasoning powers, did not permit any slaves to embark on board of her, since her nature was that of one devoted to freedom, on which account Aeschylus, with reference to her, says–

“And tell me where’s the sacred beam

That dared the dangerous Euxine Stream?”{19}{aesch. Fragm. 648.}

(144) And we must not pay the slightest attention to threats and menaces which some persons hold out over even wise men, but we must say as Antigonides the flute-player did; for it is related that he, when one of his rivals in art being angry with him, said to him, “I will buy you for a slave,” said with very profound wit, “Then I will teach you to play the flute;” (145) and in the same way it would become the virtuous man to say to any one who appeared inclined to purchase him, “Therefore you will be able to learn wisdom.” And if any one were to threaten him with banishment beyond the borders of the country, it would become him to reply, “Every land is my country;” (146) and if any one were to threaten him with loss of money, he might make answer, “A moderate means of subsistence are sufficient for me:” while if any one were to menace him with stripes or death, he would reply, “These things have no terrors for me, for am I inferior to a boxer or to a wrestler in the pancratium, who, seeing merely some indistinct images of virtue, because they have laboured merely at the one object of producing a good condition of body, endure both blows and death with fortitude; for in me the mind, which is the ruler of the body, has been invigorated by courage, and so completely fortified, that it is able to show itself superior to any kind of pain.”