Ἀνθολογία Γρηγόριου Θεολόγου (χωρὶς μετάφραση – Extended Anthology in Greek original without translation)
Detailed biography by Butler
Tatakis on St. Gregory the Theologian (in Greek only)
The other great Cappadocian Fathers: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa
Page 12
Volume 36 of Patrologia Graeca contains, also
Eliae Metropolitae Cretae commentarii in Orationes S. Gregori Nazianzeni.
Commentarius Nicetae in Orationem I S. Gregori.
Nonnus Abbas Commentarius in Orationem I S. Gregorii contra Iulianum.
Basilius Minimus, SCHOLIA in Orationem I contra Iulianum.
I think that you should put on the WEB these works and also the many others which are not printed in the Patrologia Graeca, but exist only in manuscripts, they are extremely important for the proper understanding of the scripts of the Fathers. It is not right that in Byzantine times there were no schools, there were and they worked very well, so we need the explanations of theirs professors (SCHOLIA) to properly understand theology.
No one said there were no schools in Byzantium, just that theology was not part of the curriculum of the Byzantine ‘university’. More on this at the discussion, where you already posted your opinion and did not wait for an answer before you repeat it here.