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St Symeon the New Theologian

He starts to be revealed clearly and to be known in a great familiarity and to be seen much clearly; the invisible invisibly speaks and hears and as if a friend to a friend, face to face, who is by his nature the God speaks with them who have been born from Him by grace Gods, and as a father loves and by His sons is loved in a great warmth; and He becomes for them a strange vision and a more terrific sound, without being able either to be spoken by them worthily or to be neglected, covered in silence. Because by the yearning for Him they always are lit up and mystically by Him resound.   – From St Symeon’s, Becoming Invisible and Suddenly Appearing

St. Symeon: When shall the Day of the Lord come?, Becoming invisible and suddenly appearing, Holy Communion & Don’t put yourself in despair (E)

Greek original (complete works) , Ὕμνοι Θείων Ἐρώτων (στὰ νέα ἑλληνικά).

Ἀνθολογία Συμεών (χωρὶς μετάφραση)

John McGuckin, Introducing Symeon the New Theologian

Migne Patrologia Graeca

1 Comment

  1. Gilberto

    Charismatic Revival As a Sign of the end of times


    It is an occassion of great pleasure and personal satisfaction to see in the church at large a sweeping revival of the things of God, a restoration of Christian Orthodoxy like never before have we seen the works of the Holy Ghost and the prophesy of Daniel come to fulfillment. The Lord hath said that ”it shall come to pass in the last days that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2;16) ”Be glad then, ye children of Zion (church) and rejoyce in the Lord your God; for he hath given you the former rain (Pentecost) moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, & the latter rain (Charismatic revival) (Joel 2;23).


    Our Lord Jesus said in (Eph 5;25) that he loved the Church and gave himself for her that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of the Water ( the work of the Holy Spirit) by the Word (Bible) that He might present her to Himself a Glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she should be Holy and without blemish (Eph 5;25). The Sees of the Orthodox church named as Theologians only three saints, st John, st Gregory and Saint Symeon. St. Symeon declares that a man must be born of God, whereby God’s Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. A face to face relationship. Some Orthodox people may say “save us from protestantism” but this teaching is in fact authentic Christianity.


    Saint Maximos the confessor charismatically said that, according to the example of the Mother of God (theotokos), every faitfull person, whether man or woman should apply their own personal humility and obedience in order to bear God the word in the flesh, thereby becoming born of God (theophorus). We could not convey a brighter or more comforting message for today to our inconsolable world, than this most sacred experience by faith, prayer and expectation of becoming Godlike by Grace .


    Some of the questions we must ask ourselves: am I born of God or am I just playing church? Religion isn’t going to save you; Jesus Christ didn’t die for an organization but for humanity. Jesus said, unless a man is born again of the Holy Spirit and Water he can not enter into heaven (John 3;3 ); this means that there is an experience subsequent to water baptism, that is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As ancient Jews rejected Christ let us Orthodox not reject  the Holy Spirit.

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