By St. Gregory Palamas : Calling everything near Him (bilingual – Greek / English – excerpts from Speeches 4, 7, 9, 16 and 29, selected and translated by Elpenor)
Gregory Palamas extensive Anthology (in the Greek Original, without translation)
Unceasing Prayer links , St. Gregory Palamas, On Unceasing Prayer
10 Catechetical Orations by Gregory Palamas (in Greek original, pdf)
St. Gregory Palamas, A Homily on the Dormition of Theotokos
St. Gregory Palamas, On the Holy Icons
St. Gregory Palamas, Discourse on the feast of the Entry of Theotokos into the Holy of Holies
St. Gregory Palamas, complete works in Greek original, first volume (zipped, 1,3 MB, unicode)
Triodion – Second week of Lent Saturday Vespers
Hierotheos of Naupaktos, St. Gregory Palamas as a hagiorite
Gregory Palamas : A Historical Study , P. Christou – The Teaching of Gregory Palamas on Man
Philip Sherrard, From Theology to Philosophy in the Latin West
George Papademetriou, The Human Body According to Saint Gregory Palamas