Although little is reported about the persecution in Somalia, Curry said that no organized church is allowed to be established in the country and every citizen of Somalia is registered as Muslim despite what they believe.

“Small groups of Christians remain even though nobody knows the secret of their faith,” Curry explained. “If their faith is discovered it means instant death, executed without trial and often on rumor alone.”

Pakistan ranked as the fourth worst country in the world for Christians, which is the highest the Muslim-majority country has ranked on the World Watch List.

Christians in Pakistan are subject the public ridicule and are often accused of the capital offense of blasphemy by Muslims looking to settle personal scores.

Additionally, hundreds of Christian girls and women in Pakistan are kidnapped, raped and forced into Islamic marriage. Police protection of the Christian community is inadequate and Muslim persecutors are often granted a level of impunity.

The fact sheet states that “Pakistan had the most overall violence against Christians.”

“Cities have been burned to the ground, people have been roasted alive, girls are increasingly being raped and forced into Islamic marriage in attempts by Muslims to gain a special place in Heaven through proselytizing in this manner,” Wilson Chowdhry, chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, told CP on Wednesday. “Government and statutory authority inactivity have built a sense of impunity for crimes against Christians.”

It’s no secret that Christians have been direly persecuted in the Middle Eastern nations of Iraq and Syria, considering the rise of the Islamic State terrorist organization forced hundreds of thousands of Christians to flee their homes or risk being killed by the Islamic death cult.