Dear Members of the European Parliament, the time has come to work together in building a Europe which revolves not around the economy, but around the sacredness of the human person, around inalienable values. In building a Europe which courageously embraces its past and confidently looks to its future in order fully to experience the hope of its present.

The time has come for us to abandon the idea of a Europe which is fearful and self-absorbed, in order to revive and encourage a Europe of leadership, a repository of science, art, music, human values and faith as well. A Europe which contemplates the heavens and pursues lofty ideals. A Europe which cares for, defends and protects man, every man and woman. A Europe which bestrides the earth surely and securely, a precious point of reference for all humanity!

Thank you!


1 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the European Parliament (11 October 1988), 5.

2 JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (8 October 1988), 3.

3 Cf. BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 7; SECOND VATICAN ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 26.

4 Cf. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 37.

5 Cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 55.

6 BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 71.

7 Ibid.

8 Cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 209.

9 BENEDICT XVI, Address to the Members of the Diplomatic Corps, 7 January 2013.

10 Evangelii Gaudium, 231.

11 FRANCIS, General Audience, 5 June 2013.

12 Cf. SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL, Gaudium et Spes, 34.

13 Cf. Letter to Diognetus, 6.


Strasbourg, France, November 25, 2014. The translation is provided by the Holy See.