In contradistinction to the older people, the new people are called young, having learned the new blessings; and we have the exuberance of life’s morning prime in this youth which knows no old age, in which we are always growing to maturity in intelligence, are always young, always mild, always new: for those must necessarily be new, who have become partakers of the new Word. And that which participates in eternity is wont to be assimilated to the incorruptible: so that to us appertains the designation of the age of childhood, a lifelong spring – time, because the truth that is in us, and our habits saturated with the truth, cannot be touched by old age; but Wisdom is ever blooming, ever remains consistent and the same, and never changes. … The spirit of those that are children in Christ, whose lives are ordered in endurance, rejoice. And this is the divine sport. “Such a sport, of his own, Jove sports,” says Heraclitus. For what other employment is seemly for a wise and perfect man, than to sport and be glad in the endurance of what is good – and, in the administration of what is good, holding festival with God? – Clement of Alexandria : read more
Full Texts:
CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: Exhortation (Protrepticus)
CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: Instructor (Paedagogus)
CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: Stromata (Miscellanies)
CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA: On the Salvation of the Rich Man
An Introduction to Clement of Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria: O the perfect child! (in Greek and English side by side)
Clement of Alexandria on Christian monasticism
Clement of Alexandria and the beginnings of Christian platonism, by R.Casey (pdf)
Clement of Alexandria, by Mark Moussa