It is held that since Jesus and his mother are called to a wedding in John 2:1–11 and since they play a major role, it must therefore automatically be Jesus’ own wedding. Apparently no one can play a major role at anyone else’s wedding, even if he is able to do miracles!^80 In the account of the raising of Lazarus in John 11:1–46, it is asserted that, since Martha ran out to greet Jesus upon his arrival while Mary waited in the house until Jesus asked for her (vv. 20, 28), Mary must be Jesus’ wife! The authors even admit a non sequiturargument by such reasoning.^81
It is obvious that, oftentimes in such theses, conclusions are arrived at only by taking out the Gospels and even adding to them what one would like to find. In this case, the authors even admit this procedure. After stating that they sifted through the Gospels searching for the specific points which they needed, they confessed that “we would be obliged to read between lines, fill in certain gaps, account for certain caesuras and ellipses. We would have to deal with omissions, with innuendos, with references that were, at best, oblique.”^82 One instance of this arbitrary methodology occurs when they admit that they are utilizing such a procedure in order to find evidence for Jesus being married, which is obvious from the above examples on this subject. Another instance follows an attempt to make John the most historical of the four Gospels. The authors assert that modern scholarship has established this point, when such is simply not the case. But the authors’ motives are exposed when they specifically acknowledge that they used John the most in an attempt to support their hypothesis!^83 Thus, we again see examples of illogic being used to support a case
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