The roots of Christianity are to be traced in cultural, not in geographical realities as geographical. What is the African culture that influenced the Greek speaking Athanasius and the Latin speaking Augustine? What African author, what African books, what African questioning can be identified in their thoughts? None. They were just bishops in Christian communities located in Africa – inside a cultural environment having the marks of the Hellenistic era, that is in a Greek-Roman environment.

Certain people may compare what cannot be compared or assign to some effects causes that belong to different frames of causality, out of foolishness, out of a desperate effort for self-esteem, if they come from traditions that they themselves consider as inferior, or out of a misunderstood friendliness, if they think that this way they help people of inferior cultures to feel better. Can you really help anyone with lies and hypocrisy?

Huntington predicted culture wars, but a greater problem, in my opinion, is wars without any meaning at all, wars of vain pride and empty minds, where people with no love for Homer claim to be descendants of Alexander, where other people don’t care about their Christian faith but for the greatness of their black color, etc…