Thucydides Anthology In English and Greek side by side: Democracy of the Best & A history of Ideas
Thucydides History Complete in English.
Arnold Toynbee, Ancient Greek History and the West
R. W. Livingstone, On the Ancient Greek Literature
A. Zimmern, Ancient Greek Political Theory
Ralph Wedgwood: What is the Best Way to Live? – Lecture on Thucydides
F. M. Cornford, Thucydides Mythistoricus
Gregory Crane, The Case of Plataia: Start of a World War and an End of History
John M. Finley, Three Essays on Thucydides
Roger Dunkle: Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War
Russell McNeil: Thucydides as Science
Russell McNeil: Thucydides as Geometry
Gregory Crane: Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity – the Limits of Political Realism
Mark K. Rutkus: Thucydides and the Writing of History
Alexander Kemos: The Influence of Thucydides in the Modern World
John Porter: Thucydides
Laurel Bowman: The Use of Prophecy in Thucydides
Chad Colarusso: Thucydides, Greek Science and Hippocratic theory of Medicine
Ben Zarit: Herodotus and Thucydides Through the Lens of Aristotle
Ross Scaife: Protagorean Frames of Reference in Thucydides
Bob Fisher: Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War
Walter Englert: Thucydides and the Sophists
Claire Curtis: Thucydides – Power, Politics, Authority
Richard Hooker: Thucydides
Howard Fienberg: Power and Hegemony in International Politics: Examining Thucydides, Garst, and Sophocles
Stephen Morris: Thucydides and Protagoras
E. Kent Webb: The Athenian Tyrannicides, Icons of a Democratic Society
Victor Davis Hanson: Raw, Relevant History
A Short Bibliography on Thucydides, by Lowell Edmunds.
Thucydides’ history in Greek only: 1-3, 4-9.