Greek European Culture


Koran – the invention of an artificial religion

Arthur Rimbaud spoke about the “bastard wisdom of Koran” (sagesse bâtarde du Coran; see Une Saison en Enfer), and his later fatalism maybe casts some light upon his own adventure; he doesn’t seem to have indeed understood how a genuine offspring is born. Koran is not a bastard wisdom, not only because it is not a wisdom, but also and mainly because it has no parents at all. Koran was constructed, it is a product of the laboratory, without real spiritual roots.

Koran has denial in the place of a heart, since it despises the very ‘elements’ of its construction, the Old and the New Testament. Spyrido Zambelius is accurate when he speaks about Koran as “an undigested, unintegrated mixture of the Old and the New Testament, a monstrous mixture of Judaism and Christianity, decorated with fictitious tales, that please or surprise the imagination of semi-wild peoples, while from the start to the end it emits political rage and religious frenzy” (see Zambelius, Byzantine Studies, Athens 1857, pp. 169-70).

Manuel II Palaeologus writes that peoples who followed Islam “were deceived and forced by Mohammed, who promised them victory against Christians (cf. Manuel Palaeologus, Epitaph to his brother Theodorus Palaeologus, PG 156.220). Ostrogorsky (Byzantine History) writes that “Mohammed [was not a prophetic but a political figure, he] was creating the foundations of a religious and political union of Arabs [i.e., of a religious union simply as a means to the political unity and expansion]. His work, although spiritually poor and underdeveloped, contained a primitive urge and huge dynamism.”

As a fictitious and treacherous power, to the degree that it influences islamic peoples, Koran can not but lead them to an ever greater spiritual decay. No matter how greatly was islamism influenced sometime by hellenism (Greek science in particular, and some superficial neoplatonic elements), how great a spirituality could have ever chosen to build upon the unnatural foundation of Koran? From Koran one can expect what one expects from any spiritual poison: whatever good might happen in islamic peoples, it happens “rather in spite of their creed than because of it.


  1. Lorenz Dietrich

    For me the word ISLAM means I Sincerely Love All Muslims. I do want them to get to know the loving, caring, crucified, worthy, mighty and awesome son of g´d jesus christ i want them to receive the spirit of g´d the holy spirit and to get away from the evil of koran. Mohammed received the koran from demons it cant be the word of the almighty for it contains too much contradictions.

  2. Daniel Bonner

    I really am impressed with your forthrightness. Ninety-nine percent of the Western media and press are polluted with political correctness. Schools are so profoundly at sea morally, that they count on Christian parents to acquiesce in such spectacles as having their children wear Muslim facial coverings as sensitivity training. Clearly we have lost the depth dimension in adherence to our Christian beliefs. Westerners are lost in indifference, superficialities, and materialism. Far too many have lost their moorings. (No pun.)

  3. Stephen Andersen

    I find any pursuit of religion with a sword abhorrent and an abomination. I sincerily believe God’s point is that trying to limit His Omniprescence to the pages of a book is heretical. My impression is that many people want to be righteous who are involved in the various religions. They are humble and realize the need for divine intervention in their wretched lives.
    Unfortunately there are those whose aspirations are not so noble and who would use these poor unfortunates for lesser ends. They are reaping what they sow.

  4. Steven Cornett

    Well, ask our priest at the Trindentine mass mentioned when he gave a homily on Islam, from the fruits of Islam and its errors it is clearly a false faith, with a 1400 year history of enslavement and conquest to prove it. The hodgepodge of badly understood Christian and Jewish beliefs was why Hillaire Belloc included Islam as one of the errors he explored in “the Great Heresies.”

    The Lord warned us of these wolves in sheep’s clothing in Mt. 7:15-21 (the Gospel reading for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost in the 1962 RC Missal). It may be politically incorrect (and increasingly criminal in the West) to say this, but it is the truth.